
Seminarier på temat ”Valuation of resources and environmental conflicts”

Seminarier på temat ”Valuation of resources and environmental conflicts”

Professor Joan Martinez-Alier gästar School of Global Studies i Göteborg. Nedan följer en lista på öppna seminarier.

Vad Seminarium
När 2011-09-23 00:00 till
2011-09-30 00:00
Var at School of Global Studies, Göteborg Universitet
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1.    23 September, 13.15:  Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, Valuation Languages (includes presentation of special section of Ecological Economics 70(2) on ecological distribution conflicts, 2010). Location: Journalisthögskolan, Linnesalen, Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg

2.    26 September, 13.15: Debates on socially sustainable economic degrowth (includes articles in 2009 and 2010 by JMA et al in Development & Change, Ecological Economics, and Journal of Cleaner Production). School of School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Room E43, Vasagatan 1, Gothenburg

3.    29 September, 13.15: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (includes a review of the TEEB initiative) - Annedalsseminariet, Room 204, at Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg

4.    30 September, 13.15: The EROI of agriculture, and the Via Campesina (article by JMA in J. of Peasant Studies, 2011)- Annedalsseminariet, Room 204, at Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg

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