Seminarium: Designing a REDD+ program that benefits forestry communities in Mesoamerica
Just nu pågår förberedelser och kapacitetsuppbyggnad för att kunna sjösätta REDD+. Detta seminarium belyser bland annat behovet av att främja förberedelser med fokus på lokala organisationer och ursprungsbefolkningar.
Vad | Seminarium |
När |
2011-02-11 10:15
till 2011-02-11 12:00 |
Var | Malmstensmatsalen i Malmstensvåningen, Handelshögskolan Göteborg |
Närvarande |
Desirée Elizondo |
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Focali har äran att få besök av Desirée Elizondo som har över 20 års erfarenhet inom Miljö- och naturresurshållning med regionalt fokus på Centralamerika. Hon arbetar just nu som VD för CABAL S.A och har en PhD inom Soil Chemistry; MSc. Soil and Water Science; BSc Agriculture. Hon har varit projektledare för flera uppdrag för internationella biståndsorgan inom områdena: hållbar utveckling, miljö, förvaltning av naturresurser och institutionell utveckling.
The forest cover that the indigenous territories and community lands have in Central America represents considerable potential by contributing over 10 million hectares of forests with deforestation strategies avoided and with sustainable forest management. Additionally, these territories have the potential to contribute an important surface for activities to increase the carbon reserves in the region. If to this is added the community lands of the states in southern Mexico, such as Chiapas, Oaxaca and Quintana Roo, they exceed 40 million hectares, which suggests a considerable potential for promoting and consolidating a Mesoamerican Carbon Community Initiative, which could easily become the weightiest one in the region.
Considering that an important set of sustainable forest management experiences has been developed in these indigenous territories and community forestry, it is extremely critical that the efforts to promote, prepare and implement Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Mesoamerica strategically incorporate the stakeholders in those territories, as they represent not only the main potential of REDD in Mesoamerica, but also the main allies for actions and strategies that effectively deal with the dynamics of deforestation, degradation and even options to expand the forest carbon reserves in the region. Nonetheless, the predominant efforts of the official preparation processes for REDD in Mesoamerica generally do not include these stakeholders either adequately or strategically, which suggests the need to promote preparation processes focused on the community forestry organizations and indigenous peoples.