Seminarium “Jatropha – an energy crop in the making"
Den 24 sep kl 13:15-14:30 kommer Marie Widengård att ge ett öppet seminarium kring titeln “Jatropha – an energy crop in the making”.
Vad | Seminarium |
När |
2010-09-24 13:15
till 2010-09-24 14:30 |
Var | sal E409, byggnad E, våning 4, Globala Studier, Konstepidemienv väg 2, Göteborg |
Lägg till händelsen till kalender |
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Marie är doktorand i humanekologi vid Globala Studier och har specialiserats sig inom ämnesområdena biobränsle, makt och social förändring i Moçambique/Zambia/Brasilien.
Varmt välkomna! (OBS! Seminariet ges på engelska så ta gärna med engelskspråkiga vänner).
“Jatropha – an energy crop in the making”
The seminar will deal with Jatropha, the small shrub that could, maybe, mitigate climate change, develop rural areas and secure energy at the same time. As such, the seminar will deal with controversy, magic claims and political priorities. In particular, it will be a story about a poor man’s crop that conquered powerful boardrooms, political agendas and vast territories within a couple of years. How? In contrast to many other types of sources for fuel, Jatropha makes certain claims in reference to sustainability. Jatropha particularly maintains being a win-win-win and pro-poor solution. However, in my reading, Jatropha just happened to be at the right table at the right time, holding a set of timely and multifunctional cards. The seminar will discuss some of its jokers and whether they are jokes or not...