Focali seminarium kring "Community Forestry" i Kambodja
Focali forskaren Robin Biddulph har bedrivit studier i flera år i Kambodja där han bland annat har tittat på den lokala deltagande processen i skogsskötsel.
Vad | Seminarium |
När |
2010-04-23 10:45
till 2010-04-23 12:00 |
Var | Ottorummet (eller B521) våning 5 på B-huset, Handelshögskolan, Göteborg |
Närvarande |
Robin Biddulph |
Lägg till händelsen till kalender |
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Detta är en högaktuell fråga i dessa tider när skogen är ett hett ämne på klimatagendan. Seminariet är en del i Focalis föreläsningsserie och kommer att hållas fredagen den 23 april kl 10.45-12. Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska med diskussioner på svenska/engelska.
Varmt välkomna!
Nedan följer en kort beskrivning av seminariets innehåll:
"Community Forestry Fails Again: An old tale retold in Cambodia"
Research conducted over a three year period in a Khmer forest village in northeast Cambodia describes the livelihoods of the inhabitants and explains the factors enabling and constraining those livelihoods. In this context it describes the story of a community forestry project in the village based on interviews with villagers, national and international NGO workers, forestry administration officials and the local boss of the private company granted successive logging and agricultural concessions in the district.The account has much in common with other research conducted in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand and raises some familiar issues: authorities steering community forestry away from high-value forest and using it to draw the sting of local activism; CBNRM agencies being oriented to support livelihoods and aspirations which are quite different to the actual livelihoods and aspirations of villagers.
In this context, Robin will raise questions about the potential role of an expanded role for companies with forest concessions in poverty reduction, and will also ask whether agencies need to have a bottom-line commitment to either poverty reduction or forest management to avoid being nonplussed when the two are not mutually supportive.