Search results — 25 items matching your search terms
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The politics of natural resource enclosure in South Africa and Ecuador
Environmental governance, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Policy, Sustainability Science
Torsten Krause with colleagues are published in Conservation and Society.
Energizing agroforestry: Ilex guayusa as an additional commodity to diversify Amazonian agroforestry systems
Agroforestry, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Land-use
Focali member Torsten Krause and colleague Barry Ness has just published a paper on agroforestry and the crop guayusa (Ilex guayusa) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. ...
Quantification of carbon stock and tree diversity of homegardens in a dry zone area of Moneragala district, Sri Lanka
Biodiversity, Focaliresearcher, Forests
Eskil Mattson and Madelene Ostwald toghether with two Sri Lankan colleagues published in Agroforestry Systems
Focali brief: What is the preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders - biodiversity or production goals?
Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Focali, Forests, Policy
Focali brief 2015:01 by Anna Nordén with colleagues.
Water, Forests and People
Focaliresearcher, Forests, Landscapes, Policy, Water
The Swedish Water House cluster group Water and Forests´ work on how and why Sweden should build resilient landscapes are now published in a report and policy ...
Blog: Business and Agroforestry - the Role of Public-Private Partnerships
#forestfood, Agroforestry, Blog, Forests
This blog is written by Ekaterina Bessonova, communications assistant at SIANI. She attended the World Congress on Agroforestry together with Focali ...
Forest and food, a matter of social justice?
Agroforestry, Blog, Food security, Forests, Gender, Social justice
When it comes to food security, forests can be a life-saver. Forests provide fruits, leaves, nuts and mushrooms. These foods are crucial for nutrition in rural ...
Forests and the climate: Manage for maximum wood production or leave the forest as a carbon sink?
Carbon sequestration, Energy, Focaliresearcher, Forest governance, Forests, Mitigation
The scientific community represents different viewpoints on forest-climate interactions and how to prioritize to meet the goal of the Paris Agreement. ...
Sweden must act stronger for women's right to use and own land
Forests, Land rights, Women's rights
Representatives from the Agroforestry Network, amongst them Focali researchers Anders Malmer and Johanna Björklund, writes in a debate article about how Sweden ...
New brief: How to reduce vulnerability in rural Burkina Faso: keeping the trees and planting more or diversifying the livelihoods?
Agroforestry, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Focali, Food security, Forests, Policy
New publication by Jenny Friman within our thematic collaboration with SIANI. This brief explores how two different framings can produce different conclusions ...
Photosynthetic temperature responses of tree species in Rwanda
Focaliresearcher, Forests, Photosynthesis
Johan Uddling and Göran Wallin together with six colleagues were published in New Phytologist.
Working paper from Focali researcher
Biodiversity, Deforestation, Ecosystem services, Focaliresearcher, Forests
Anna Nordén with colleagues release new working paper based on a previous study of stakeholder's preferences on issues of biodiveristy and production in the ...
Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?
Deforestation, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Tropical forests
In a SEI news story Focali researchers Toby Gardner and Javier Godar describe their findings from a study on Brazil's deforestation.
Have Brazil’s deforestation policies hit the limits of their effectiveness?
Deforestation, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Tropical forests
In a SEI news story Focali researchers Toby Gardner and Javier Godar describe their findings from a study on Brazil's deforestation.
Focali researchers Martin Persson and Sabine Henders get published in Global Change Biology
Deforestation, Deforestation drivers, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Methodologies, Tropical forests
Martin Persson, Sabine Henders and Christel Cederberg's research gets published in Global Change Biology.
Johan Uddling
Climate Change, Forests, Ozone, Photosynthesis, Transpiration
Professor at Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Visions for the world’s forests – the role of water in forests in Sweden and in the world.
Blog, Forests, Knowledge exchange, Policy, Seminar, Water
Focali researcher Eskil Mattsson participated in a seminar on “Forests’ role for water in Sweden and the world”.
Register for the Global Landscape Forum
Agriculture, Conference, Forests, Landscapes, Policy
Focali and SIANI will have a joint booth at the event held the 16-17 November in Warsaw Poland. See a short video about the event here.
Climate Sensitivity of Tropical Trees Along an Elevation Gradient in Rwanda
Carbon sequestration, Climate Change, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Tropical forests
New study from Rwandan researchers together with Focaliresearchers Johan Uddling and Göran Wallin on climate sensitivity of tropical trees along an elevation ...
Torsten Krause
Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystem services, Forests, Sustainability Science
Assistant professor/Associate senior lecturer in Sustainability Science at Lund University.
Trees in Home Gardens: Making the Most of an Age-Old Practice to Improve Food Security and Nutrition
#forestfood, Agriculture, Carbon sequestration, Focali, Food security, Forests, Landscapes, Poverty
This brief explores the value of an agroforestry approach to home gardens, incorporating multiple layers of trees, shrubs and crops, in the context of ...
Apply for a PhD-position in land-use change, primarily tropical deforestation, and its causes and consequences.
Deforestation, Forests, Land-use, Methodologies, PhD
Open PhD student position at division of Physical Resource Theory at Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers.
Tree Crown Mapping in Managed Woodlands (Parklands) of Semi-Arid West Africa Using WorldView-2 Imagery and Geographic Object Based Image Analysis
Agroforestry, Carbon sequestration, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Global REDD-instruments
Martin Karlson, Madelene Ostwald and Heather Reese published in Sensors.
Mapping tree canopy cover and aboveground biomass in Sudano-Sahelian woodlands using Landsat 8 and Random Forest
Deforestation, Focaliresearcher, Forests, Landscapes, Methodologies
Martin Karlson, Madelene Ostwald and Eskil Mattsson with colleagues were published in Remote Sensing.
Live streaming from Landscape-event at World Water Week
Climate Change, Conference, Focali seminar, Forests, Water
Focali participate as part of the Swedish Water House cluster group for Water and Forests.