Photo courtesy AnnaKika (CC BY 2.0)
Water, Forests and People
The Swedish Water House cluster group Water and Forests´ work on how and why Sweden should build resilient landscapes are now published in a report and policy brief.
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) Swedish Water House (SWH) Cluster Group for Water and Forests started with a mission to highlight the importance of forests and sustainable forest management to securing water resources globally. The cluster group's members comes from different sectors of the Swedish forestry sector, which gives it both width and depth. Organizations represented are the Swedish Forestry Agency, SLU Global, SSC Forestry, Sveaskog, Stora Enso and Focali.
The cluster group has concluded that establishing resilient landscapes is the most promising way forward and that Sweden’s extensive experience and competencies constitute a substantial resource. This means Sweden could make a considerable contribution towards fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Building resilient landscapes is key to sustainable development and Swedish understanding and knowledge could catalyse positive change in the management of forest landscapes at the global level.
Find the two new publications here: