
About Focali

About Focali

Focali is a Swedish multidisciplinary research network focusing on forest/bio-energy, climate change and livelihood issues. To tackle global challenges related to these themes, policy-making needs to be informed by scientific research. This often requires transdisciplinary collaboration. Focali thus work with internal collaboration in our network, with research communication and facilitate dialogues between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.

Focali is a Swedish research network where several Swedish universities and institutions are represented (see futher Who are we?). 

The research network includes about 50 researchers from a broad range of Swedish universities and institutions and a wide variety of natural and social science disciplines. Our members are active in research projects across the globe mainly in countries in the Amazon, Sub-Saharan Africa and South- and Southeast Asia.

Focali is hosted by the The Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV, in Gothenburg.

Since 2013 Focali has had a thematic collaboration with SIANI, the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative, around the theme “Forests, Landscapes and Food Security”.

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