Photo credit: Richard Allaway, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Global Land Outlook - working paper on energy and land
Focali researcher Göran Berndes is one of the main authors of the Global Land Outlook working paper on energy and land use - one in a series focusing on the land-energy nexus. This paper identifies and compares the land impact of all terrestrial energy forms and provide recommendations on how to deliver a sustainable global energy system - hectare by hectare.
The paper identifies and compares the land impact of all terrestrial energy forms, using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as the normative framework for analysis. Since the mandate of the UNCCD is to combat global desertification and land degradation, the land “footprint” of energy supply and use, referred to in SDG 15, is of particular interest. Currently, approximately 90 percent of global energy demand is met from non-renewable energy (mainly fossil), which leaves its footprint on land through resource extraction (e.g., coal mining), conversion (e.g., refineries, power plants) and their respective infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, fuel storage, transmission lines). Similarly, the development of renewable energy, such as biomass, geothermal, hydro, solar and wind, has land consequences, although these differ in scope and form. This working paper further focuses on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the use and supply of energy, as well as the maintenance and enhancement of terrestrial carbon sinks that are essential to mitigating climate change, as set forth in SDG 13 and the Paris Agreement of 12 December 2015. Meeting these goals will require a rapid scale up of lowcarbon, sustainable energy sources and their efficient distribution, and many of these activities have significant implications for land use, management and planning.