Photo by Sam Beebe
Getting ready for REDD+
Focali Report 2010:01 by Lisa Westholm.
Global efforts are being made to prepare tropical forest countries for REDD+. The work is advancing rapidly with new funding pledges being added and new countries joining. As REDD+ work proceeds it will be crucial to maintain awareness of the obstacles to be faced. The risk that REDD+ steels the limelight from other issues should also be kept in mind.
Following the Focali report in 2009 that provided an assessment of initiatives involved in preparing and building capacity for REDD, Focali releases the report Getting ready for REDD+ that provides an update of what has happened in the REDD+ arena in the last two years and identifies some key issues for the future.
All over the world REDD+ preparations are carried out and regardless of the outcome of the UNFCCC negotiations it seems REDD+ will become reality. Numerous pilot initiatives are on the way to prepare countries for REDD+ and take the first steps towards building the necessary capacity and institutions. Furthermore, the process is advancing rapidly and funding pledges are constantly issued.
The key findings from the study are summarised in the following points:
- REDD+ work will proceed regardless of the outcomes of the UNFCCC negotiations, but the rapid process raise concerns of a democratic deficit.
- To succeed it is important that cooperation between REDD+ initiatives continues and is further developed in order to avoid duplication of efforts.
- It is important to make sure that the accelerating REDD+ process does not steal the limelight entirely and steer away funding from other important issues.
- Risks and obstacles are high in many pilot countries. Thus, one must keep a levelled head and not put too much hope to countries that may not be able to live up to them. As an example, several big donors are investing in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country with great forests, but also marked by internal conflicts and a great lack of infrastructure.
- Finally, there is a risk that while some countries advance in REDD+ preparations others are left behind. This may create opportunities for international leakage of deforestation and forest degradation, from well prepared countries to less prepared countries.
Download Getting ready for REDD+.
For a short outline of the conclusions, please see the accompanying policy brief High hopes and fast pace in the REDD+ arena.