Photo courtesy gardnergp (CC BY 2.0)
Report on the international REDD+ process in 2014
Susanne von Walter gives an update on the REDD+ process.
Focali member Susanne von Walter is one of Sweden´s delgates in the REDD + negotiations, representing Sida. She has followed the development of REDD+ for several years.
In this report Susanne gives an overview of the process around the REDD+ initiative and zoom in on the negotiations in 2014.
The report is only available in Swedish.
Authors: Susanne von Walter
Tags: Focaliresearcher Global Climate Governance Global REDD-instruments International Institutions Policy REDD REDD and Poverty
Tags: Focaliresearcher Global Climate Governance Global REDD-instruments International Institutions Policy REDD REDD and Poverty