PhD Eskil Mattsson
Post-docPhysical Resource Theory, Department of Energy & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology
Focus area
Focali Global REDD-instruments Methodologies Poverty REDD REDD and PovertyContact Eskil Mattsson
Post-doc, Physical Resource Theory, Department of Energy & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg.
Focus area:
My research focuses on multifunctional land use, tropical land use change, deforestation and REDD+. I am currently working on the possibilities to expand and intensify agroforestry lands in Sri Lanka in order to achieve multifunctional needs and services - linked to climate policy instruments.Background:
MSc in Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg (2006); PhD in Physical Geography, University of Gothenburg (2012); Post Doc at Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers (2013-)
Land use change, tropical deforestation, REDD+, multifunctional land use