
Biljana Macura

Biljana Macura

Research fellow
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)


+46 70 255 03 34

Biljana Macura

Research fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm

Current position

Biljana Macura is a Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute. She is currently working with the MISTRA EviEM project ( on evidence synthesis in the field of environmental management where she conducts systematic reviews and works on the improvement of systematic review methods. She is also Editorial Manager of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence journal - Environmental Evidence.


Biljana is an environmental social scientist with interdisciplinary background and various scientific interests. She has prior experience in evidence synthesis and systematic review methods in biodiversity governance. Her research interests also include forest governance and conservation policy, political ecology and ecological economics. 

Biljana holds a PhD in forest policy from University of Padova, Italy and Bangor University, United Kingdom. Her PhD research includes governance effectiveness of forest protected areas, with a focus on tiger conservation in Central Indian Highlands. She investigated how different conservation governance modes, local institutional arrangements and top-down conservation interventions influence conservation success. Prior to this, Biljana received a MSc (2010) in Environmental Studies from ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain and Hamburg University of Technology, Germany and a BSc in Ecology (2006) from University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Key Publications
 Land M, Macura B, Bernes C, Johansson S (in press) A five-step approach for stakeholder engagement in prioritisation and planning of environmental evidence syntheses. Environmental Evidence

 Suškevičs M, Hahn T, Rodela R, Macura B, Pahl-Wostl C (2017) Learning for social-ecological change: A qualitative review of empirical literature in natural resources management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1339594

 Haddaway N, Land M, Macura B (2016) A little learning is a dangerous thing”: a call for better understanding of the term ‘systematic review’. Environment International. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2016.12.020

 Macura B, Secco L, Pisani E, Pullin AS, Reyes-Garcia V (2016) All that glitters is not gold: the effect of top-down participation on conservation knowledge, attitudes and institutional trust in a Central Indian tiger reserve. Regional Environmental Change: 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-0978-3

 Macura B, Secco L, Pullin AS (2015) What evidence exists on the impact of governance type on the conservation effectiveness of forest protected areas? Knowledge base and evidence gaps. Environmental Evidence 4: 24. doi: 10.1186/s13750-015-0051-6

 Haddaway N, Woodcock P, Macura B, Collins A (2015) Making Literature Reviews More Reliable through application of lessons from systematic reviews. Conservation Biology 29:1596–1605. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12541

 Macura B, Zorondo-Rodríguez F, Grau-Satorras M, Demps K, Laval M, Garcia CA and Reyes-García V (2011) Local Community Attitudes toward Forests Outside Protected Areas in India. Impact of Legal Awareness, Trust, and Participation. Ecology and Society 16: 10. doi: 10.5751/ES-04242-160310

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