Focali member Susanne von Walter discuss with the panel of speakers
Video films and presentations from SLU-Global seminar about REDD+
The seminar was held at SLU in Uppsala and moderated by Anders Malmer from SLU Global. Speakers at the seminar: Hans Nilsagård (Swedish Ministry of Rural Affairs), Lars Gunnar Marklund (FAO Central America), Daniela Kleinschmit and Sara Holmgren (SLU).
View the video films from the presentations and the final discussion here
Full seminar title: "The development of forest land use in climate mitigation and specifically REDD+"
Welcome and introduction:
Göran Ståhl, SLU-REDD and Anders Malmer, SLU Global
LULUCF in relation to forests in the climate negotiations:
Hans Nilsagård, Swedish Ministry of Rural Affairs
Fundaments of REDD and how to make it work – a perspective from Central America: Lars Gunnar Marklund, FAO Central America
Forest politics in the era of climate change – across sectors and across scales:
Daniela Kleinschmit and Sara Holmgren, SLU
Panel discussion