Photo: Tomas Mendel Flickr
Three postdoc-positions in policies for deforestation-free landscapes
The transdisciplinary research project BEDROCK – “Building an evidence-base for deforestation-free landscapes: supporting equitable outcomes in and beyond commodity supply-chains” is announcing three 3-year postdoc positions.
The aim of the project is to build and apply an evaluation framework that can provide a deep system-level understanding of the effectiveness of ongoing supply-chain policies that are aimed at halting tropical deforestation. Fieldwork and case studies will be undertaken in Indonesia, Cameroon and Brazil. For more information, see project summary.
BEDROCK is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology, Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Two of the researchers involved in the project are Focali members, Martin Persson at Chalmers and Mairon Bastos Lima SEI and Trase.
The postdocs will be based at Chalmers, Senckenberg and NMBU, and collaborate closely with each other.
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden; Frankfurt, Germany; Ås, Norway
Application deadline: 30 April 2023 (Chalmers and Senckenberg positions), 1 May 2023 (NMBU position)
Read more and apply here:
Chalmers position
Senckenberg position
NMBU position