Seminar date: 26th October 2012 from 10.00-15.00
Location: Conference Centre Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20 A, Göteborg
Lunch is included!
The ‘landscape’ view has risen in importance within discussions on sustainability, resilience, improved
agriculture and climate change. This is particularly evident in large parts of the developing
world where landscapes are heterogenic in character and the sectorial divisions of agricultural,
pastoral and forestry land use are less evident. We will look at the role a landscape focus has for
improving research, policy and practice. The seminar will especially look at the landscape approach
from a carbon perspective. The presentations will cover different aspects ranging from experiences
of measuring carbon in the landscape to implementation of programmes to promote agro-forestry
and to improve livelihoods which at the same time store carbon in the landscape.
Moderator: Olof Drakenberg, Olof Drakenberg, Policy Analyst at the Environmental Economics and Policy Group,
Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV
Speakers: Claudia Ituarte-Lima (Stockholm Resilience Centre/Swedbio), Christel Cederberg (Chalmers University of Technology/
SIK the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology), André Gonçalves (Professor Agroecology at Instituto Federal
Catarinense and Technical Advisor at the Centro Ecologico in Brazil), Hailu Araya (Team leader at Institute for Sustaibanle
Development and co-founder of the Best Practice organisation in Ethiopia), Leif Klemedtsson (Professor at Department of
Earth Sciences University of Gothenburg), Matilda Palm (Chalmers University of Technology/Focali).
Read more about the seminar and see the updated program here
Register for the seminar and lunch on SIANIs homepage here
Changes in the program: Hailu Araya who is team leader at Institute for Sustaibanle Development and co-founder of the Best Practice organisation in Ethiopia is a new speaker in the program. Hailu Araya will present on the topic: "Ethiopia
Smallholder farming: a way towards sustaining food security and adapting to climate change"
Read more about all the speakers and the seminar topic in the program!