Photo: Nanang Sujana CIFOR
Focali Members receive funding to five new projects via the Formas' annual open call
In the Formas’ annual open call for research funding, Formas funds projects which address all of the sustainable development goals. This year a record high number of applications were submitted; in total 1,575, of which 188 were awarded grants. Five of these selected applications feature Focali members as the lead applicant. The projects build on broad and long-term collaboration with partners, both within and outside of academia. Each aims to contribute to a more positive future for forests, ranging from Puerto Rico to Rwanda, and to the biodiversity, climate and livelihoods dependent on these ecosystems.
Read more about the projects below and connect with the researcher if you would like to find our more about the planned research, it´s collaborations and the impacts on sustainability that the projects aim to contribute too.
Kristina Marquardt,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: What is secondary about secondary forests? Building
smallholder forest futures in Peru´s Amazonian frontier
Secondary forest regrowth accounts for 70% of tropical forest areas, and
will have to provide a significant part of future forest based environmental
services. Such forests support significant populations of poor people but are
usually treated as degraded primary forest in research and policy. Thus their
diversity and potential are neglected. They are often located in rural
frontiers, where government presence, authority and legitimacy is limited and
there is contention over what these forests are, who is
to use them and how they should be used. Taking the Peruvian
Amazon as a case this research will build understanding of secondary forest
Johan Uddling, University
of Gothenburg: Heat stress in tropical
trees and its implications for tree plantation success, forest carbon storage
and biodiversity
forests—adapted to a thermally stable climate—may be particularly vulnerable to
global warming but this hypothesis remains poorly evaluated due to data
scarcity. This project uses a unique elevation gradient experiment in Rwanda to
explore if projected global warming will lead to exceedance of physiological
thermal tolerance limits in tropical trees. The experiment includes 5400 trees
of 20 species with contrasting ecological strategies, grown at three sites with
large differences in climate and application of water supply treatments. Our
ongoing research indicates considerable heat induced reductions in
photosynthesis and survival in some species. Here we propose new measurements
to determine the physiological and biochemical heat sensitivity of a broad
range of tree species. The project is a collaboration between partners in
Rwanda and Sweden and includes close involvement of key stakeholders in the
forest/agroforestry sector in Rwanda.
Bastos Lima, Stockholm Environment Institute: A Sustainable Land-Use
Transition for the Amazon? Leverage Points and Institutional Innovations to
Address Tropical Deforestation.
Tropical deforestation remains an urgent
environmental issue. Much of it is caused by the production of a few agricultural
commodities (e.g. beef, soy), whose demand also provides entry points for
change. However, growing zero-deforestation commitments from governments and
companies are yet to spur effective action. Supply chain transparency and
monitoring capabilities have seen major advances, but policy and governance
have not kept pace. Tropical deforestation remains high, and there is a
pressing need to understand what institutional innovations can help realize
pledges. This project will help understand why so little progress has been
achieved and identify the innovations needed to drive change by combining
expertise on sustainability transitions with detailed datasets on commodity
production, trade and capital flows. By deploying an innovative mixed-method
approach, the results will inform on concrete pathways to help avert a tipping
point of irreversible ecosystem change in the Amazon and provide lessons for
promoting sustainable land-use transitions elsewhere.
Robert Muscarella,
Uppsala University: Consequences of habitat loss for
tropical trees: an integrative perspective
Land-use change
presents major threats to biodiversity with impacts that typically outpace
those from climate change. Although the full impacts of habitat loss and
fragmentation are often cryptic or delayed, they can elevate extinction
risk and reduce the potential for species to adapt to future environmental
change. Developing successful strategies to manage and mitigate the
consequences of land-use change on biodiversity is thus a pressing need at
regional, national, and international levels. The overarching aim of this
proposal is to better understand how land-use dynamics have affected the
current geographic distributions, population sizes, and genetic diversity of
tropical trees. The work will be conducted on the island of Puerto Rico, which
represents an ideal case study because of its well-documented land-use
history, high level of biodiversity, extensive amount of existing data, and
superb research infrastructure. Overall, the proposed work will increase
our understanding of the ecological implications of past and future
land-use change, thereby promoting the development of effective
conservation and management strategies.
Rosa Goodman, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences: Toward
a future of wood cities and restored forests—modelling pathways for development
of a new forest industry in the Global South
We propose a novel Wood Building – Forest
Restoration system to meet the urgent calls to stop and reverse climate change,
biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and inequality and instead transition
to a fair and sustainable bio-based economy. We call for future urban growth to
be met with modern engineered wood building, and for this new market to drive
large-scale forest restoration and emergence of regional forest-based
industries. We focus on the Global South, where the majority of urban growth,
deforestation, and forest degradation occur. Starting from where we are today,
we must model pathways of coordinated incremental change across the entire
value chain to arrive at the desired end state (wood cities, fully restored
natural forests, prosperous regional wood industries). This is a new area of
research in forestry, and we will refine the methodology using Tanzania as a
case study. We will work with diverse industrial, governmental, and research
partners with the explicit aim of increasing, awareness, capacity, and support.
All new projects:
Read Formas news about the call here and see all new research projects
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Two new
research teams will focus on achieving SDGs in Drylands
Earlier this autumn the selected research teams in the Formas call “Realising the global sustainable development goals” was announced. Two of the new projects involve Focali members and both projects focus on achieving the SDGs in drylands.
Drylands Transform led by SLU and involving Focali members: Ingrid Öborn, Aida Bargués Tobella, Gert Nyberg, SLU and Per Knutsson University of Gothenburg.
Science in action led by SRC and involving Focali members Ana Paula Aguiar and Hanna Sinare