Photo: Aida Bargués Tobella
REFOREST – a new forest science program opens for PhDs
Regional Research School in Forest Sciences (REFOREST) is an innovative, interdisciplinary and unique regional PhD degree programme for training of future generation forest scientists in Africa. The Sida funded programme is hosted at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and is conducted in partnership with universities in Eastern and Southern Africa and in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), where Focali member Gert Nyberg is the Co-Coordinator.
Call for 20 PhDs from the region:
REFOREST now opens for applications to 20 PhD position scholarships to their new regional research school based at Sokoine University in Tanzania. The PhD programme is organized in partnership with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU (Sweden), Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), National University of Rwanda (Rwanda), Wondo Genet College of Foresty and Natural Resources (Hawassa University -Ethiopia) and Makerere University (Uganda). Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in forestry or allied sciences. Eligible candidates are from Eastern and Southern Africa. In the year 2020-2024 citizens of Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda Tanzania and Uganda will be prioritized for sponsorships, female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will be admitted and registered at Sokoine University of Agriculture. The Programme comprises one year of course work and three years of research and thesis writing. Students are encouraged to carry out the PhD research in their home countries.
Deadline for applications is 2nd July.