Landscape of Sahel, Africa. Photo: Daniel Tivea for CIFOR via Flickr
Provide your feedback on the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration strategy
Welcome to the open consultation process for the Strategy of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030. The United Nations invite you to review the Strategy for the Decade and its Communication Strategy and provide feedback on the overall document or specific sections via their website. Deadline for feedback submission is April 30, 2020.
On March 1, 2019, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2021 – 2030 the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The resolution calls for supporting and scaling up efforts to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide and raise awareness of the importance of successful ecosystem restoration.
The Decade’s Strategy aims to foster a restoration culture in which restoration initiatives start and scale up across the planet, by establishing a global movement, improving the political will of the Member States and other actors, and by enhancing the capacity for designing, implementing and sustaining ecosystem restoration initiatives.
The Strategy is the primary document setting up the structure of the Decade, including its objectives and activities. The first draft of the Strategy is developed through an elaborated consultation process, which included more than 50 interviews with over 100 interviewees from a range of backgrounds as well as consultations with youth groups in more than 19 countries.