Photo: Alice Dietrich / Unsplash
Please excuse the dust - we are building a new website
During 2023, we will build a new Focali website to improve features, increase access to research and provide a more modern and flexible website experience. During this time, the information on this website might not be as updated as we wish. Please bear with us, and if you have any input to the development of the new website you are always welcome to contact us.
One area that we will improve on the new website is the overview of our members and partners. Currently, far from all our 120 members are represented on our profile pages and many profiles are outdated. While waiting for the new website, please connect with us if you want to know more about our members’ expertize, how to become a member or partner up.
We will keep publishing news from the network, but please sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media to get all the latest insights and stories about our members, partners and friends.
Connect with Project Leader Maria Ă–lund for any inquiry regarding the Focali network. Thank you for your patience!
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