Photo: School of Global Studies in Gothenburg by Johan Wingborg
Apply for PhD position in environmental social science at University of Gothenburg
The School of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg is advertising a doctoral studentship in environmental social science. Deadline to apply is 1 February 2016.
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, 4 years
Extent: 100 %
Location: School of Global Studies, Gothenburg
First day of employment: 1 September 2016
The School of Global Studies (SGS) is advertising a doctoral studentship in environmental social science. Environmental social science at SGS is an interdisciplinary subject that is organized as joint faculty PhD-program, incorporating advisors, lecturers and researchers from different social science disciplines. Substantively research in ESS analyses causes, effects, and solutions in relation to environmental change and unsustainable natural resource use in the context of both the global north and south.
The focus of ESS is to develop an understanding of how various social scientific disciplines can be combined to grasp the complexity of current environmental problems, both theoretically and methodologically. It is thus developed at the interface between social and behavioral disciplines. Given the complexity of the topic, ESS can also include relevant insights from the humanities and ecological sciences, and the combination of scientific and non-scientific expertise in applied and transdisciplinary approaches.
Current research in environmental social science at SGS includes (but is not limited to) critical analysis of natural resource use and governance, studies of the institutional dynamics of environmental change, as well as the development and application of transdisciplinary approaches in relation to the sustainability challenges posed by urbanization.
Read more about the position here
For more information contact Focali member Per Knutsson, Senior lecturer at SGS:
+46 31 786 4214