Photo: Eskil Mattsson
Eskil Mattsson invited by the UN-REDD programme and Government of Sri Lanka to hold a key-note address on forests and agroforestry
Focali member Eskil Mattsson who has rich research experience from Sri Lanka is invited to hold a key-note address at the “International Research Symposium on Valuation of Forest Ecosystems and their Services” to be held on October 18 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Two related academic articles written by Eskil are "Homegardens as a Multi-functional Land-Use Strategy in Sri Lanka with Focus on Carbon Sequestration" and "Quantification of carbon stock and tree diversity of homegardens in a dry zone area of Moneragala district, Sri Lanka"
Besides his academic research focus on homegardens on Sri Lanka, Eskil has been active in research-policy dialogues and published a number of policy briefs related to agroforestry. A Focali-SIANI brief based on recent policy dialogues during a visit to Sri Lanka in April 2016 will soon be published.
Previously published publications in the Focali-SIANI thematic collaboration authored or co-authored by Eskil Mattsson are listed below:
Trees in Home Gardens: Making the Most of an Age-Old Practice to Improve Food Security and Nutrition Sri Lankan homegardens: Lush beauty, food security and carbon capture in compact packages (This blog by Eskil Mattsson was published at the World Congress of Agroforestry homepage in the WCA 2014 blog competition.)
Can Agroforestry Address Food Security Concerns in a Changing Climate? (This brief is based on a workshop held within the Focali-SIANI theme in November 2014.)
Sharing the Land: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems and Improving Livelihoods through Agroforestry
Read more about Eskil Mattsson here