Photo: FAO/Matthias Mugisha
Course: How to enhance capacity to transform science into policy and practice in the field of food security
AgriFoSe2030 together with GMV will give a one week training course for African young researchers on effective research-to-policy communication for agricultural development in Nairobi, Kenya, next week.
The Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) programme will give the training course How to enhance capacity to transform science into policy and practice in the field of food security for African young researchers in Nairobi, Kenya from 22-28 January 2017. The course on effective research-to-policy communication for agricultural development is collaboration between AgriFoSe2030 funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Gothenburg Center for Environment and Sustainability (GMV) at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. 30 young researchers working on agriculture and food security will participate: 15 places with specialization in “Socio-economic dimensions” (Theme 1) and 15 places with specialization in “Multifunctional landscapes” (Theme 2). Course objectives are to enhance understanding of the policy landscape and research policy linkages, as well as to equip young researchers with hands-on tools and skills for effective research-to-policy communication.
Agriculture is the mainstay of nearly two-thirds of Africans, and agricultural production is central to the functioning of local markets, the fight against poverty, the provision of employment, and the quest for greater national food security. In addition to being an important source of individual and household incomes, agriculture also constitutes the bedrock of most national economies. Understanding the needs and priorities of stakeholders and policy makers can promote better knowledge exchange, better research and greater impact. Young promising researchers have important roles to play in promoting agriculture for food security by outreach work, dissemination of new findings and actively engaging with policymakers and practitioners.
Focali member Madelene Ostwald, theme leader in the AgriFoSe programme, highlights that Anders Ekbom, Daniel Slunge and Olof Drakenberg at GMV will be in charge of the first three days, and that one day (26 January 2017) will focus on multi-functional landscape for food security hosted by Meine van Noordwijk from ICRAF.
More info about the course here.