Amazon rainforest, photo by Mina Gull on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Focali intern fall 2018
A chance to get involved! We are looking for a committed student with an interest in sustainability, who wants an internship with Focali during September 2018 to January 2019.
Focali largely works with various forms of communication, and an internship with us offers the opportunity to work with many communications-related tasks. This includes the support of our social media channels, blog writing, website updates and assistance in our seminars and events.
Focali works closely with SIANI - the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative, based at Stockholm Environment Inistitute. There is therefore a good opportunity for a student to expand thematic expertise, gain fresh insight into the process of sustainable development on several fronts, as well as expand her/his network in both Gothenburg and Stockholm.
In the autumn of 2018, Focali will participate in several forest-related events and there will be many opportunities for an intern to be involved in different ways, both in planning and during the events.
Desirable skills/experiences
As an intern at Focali you should have an education in a – for us – relevant subject, such as forestry, natural resource management and soil conservation, but it can also be of interest with the main expertise in communications. Regardless of study area, it is important that the applicant has a genuine interest in issues regarding climate change, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
We see that our intern is a committed and curios person, passionate about the topics that Focali is focusing on. It is a plus if the intern also has experience in communication and working with different media, especially connected to social media. Good knowledge in Swedish and English is required (both in written and spoken form).
The internship is announced through the Swedish Development Forum (Föreningen för utvecklingsfrågor, FUF) and requires full enrollment within a University. Read the full announcement here