Valle Turrialba in Costa Rica. Photo: Anna Nordén
CIFOR book release: "Analysing REDD+: Challenges and Choices"
The book is edited by Arild Angelsen, Maria Brockhaus, William D. Sunderlin and Louis V. Verchot and can be downloaded here.
In time for the Rio +20 UN summit the book “Analysing REDD+: Challenges and Choices” was published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) as a part of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+. The book is based on three years research in Asia, Africa and Latin Amarica and highlights challenges with REDD+ as well as new ways to address some of the challenges.
“There are a lot of practical challenges, but this book shows there are workable, technical solutions to these, so the main problems are really the political ones,” says Arild Angelsen the main editor of the book. Despite the challenges presented Angelsen believes that REDD+ has an important role to play to mitigate climate change: “There is a high risk of harmful climate change, and we should do something about that, and REDD+ is a key part of what we should do.”
Read the CIFOR press release about the book here
You can download the book here