Focalimembers at the Focali 10-year anniversary and annual meeting 2019. Photo: Anna Edlund
Call for speed-talks to the Focali annual meeting 2020 online
The Focali annual meeting, for our members and partners, will this year be a fully online event held as morning sessions 10:00-12:00 on November 4th and 5th. Although online, we will still keep some of the most appreciated components from last year, including speed-talks, networking opportunities and interactive exchanges between research, policy and practice within our thematic area: forest, climate and livelihoods. More information about the event program as well as registration to the event will follow soon, but right now – take the opportunity to inform your network and partners on the latest insights from your research or work by submitting a speed-talk.
Speed-talk submission deadline: October 9, 2020
Requirements on speed-talks
Recommended themes
This year is a unique year with the ongoing pandemic and it´s impacts on societies across the globe. We further live in times of unprecedented and interlinked challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity, and the pandemic underscores that it's all connected. Broad collaborations on these issues are urgently needed to tackle some of the challenges. The planning team thus encourage speed-talks related to the themes below to give us input for discussions and possible collaborations on related and concrete outcomes.
- Forests/nature and human health – connecting the dots in the times of COVID-19
- Climate change and the role of trees/forests for mitigation and adaptation
- Forest and landscape restoration for a broad range of socio-environmental purposes
- Research-policy-practice interactions; how can research have an impact on the ground?
- Advancing needed transformations within our thematic area in times of populism and climate crisis
How to submit
Submit your speed-talk through this link and include:
- Talk title
- Your name
- Your affiliation
- A three-sentence mini-abstract
- Geographic area of relevance (if applicable)
The planning team will review the incoming talks and
come back to each applicant with more information and structure of the sessions
after submission deadline.
Please note that in case we have too many submissions to fit into the program, prioritization will be given to Focali members/partners and talks that fall within the recommended themes.
Please also note that this is only for submission of speed-talks. Link to registration for the full Focali annual meeting 2020 online will follow shortly.
We look forward to your contribution!