Photo: Neil Palmer/CIAT (CC BY 2.0)
Call for Abstract - Agri4D
Abstract submission for Agri4D conference is open! Application deadline May 15.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI) are pleased to announce call for abstracts for the Agri4D 2015 Conference. It is a two-day event for reseachers and professionals working with and/or interested in agriculture for development. PhD students, senior scientists, experts from social, political, soils, crops, natural resources and animal science, economy, forestry, horticulture, vetenary medicine etc. are encouraged to participate.
Day 1.
Agriculture for food security post-2015: Global and regional perspective
- Post green revolution possibilities and challenges ahead in South and South-East Asia
- Transforming subsistence farming into commercial enterprises: the changing face of eastern and southern African agriculture
- West Side Story: threats and opportunities for livelihoods in West Africa?
- Challenges and opportunities for reducing inequalities and protecting ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean
Day 2.
Agriculture for food security post-2015: Exploring the issues
- Sustainable intensification in agriculture
- Expowering women and youth in agriculture
- Improving access to markets and developing value chains
Abstract submission is opened for:
- presentations of results or ongoing activity in research for oral presentationin sub-sessions or with posters (all posters will have short oral presentations)
- presentation of networks, research groups, organizations and general ideas with posters (all posters will have short oral presentations)