The Global Landscapes Forum
The Forum will take place 16-17 November, 2013 in Warsaw Poland. Focali and SIANI will have a joint booth at the event. Register at:
The Global Landscapes Forum combines into one event two of the world's most influential annual conferences on the role of forests and agriculture in mitigating and adapting to climate change: Forest Day and Agricultural and Rural Development Day. This will be a global platform to inform and engage world leaders, policymakers, scientists, donors, media, civil society, the private sector, indigenous and community groups, and climate negotiators on the role sustainable landscapes can play in providing food, shelter, income and ecosystem services and environmental goods. The objective is to develop the potential of the landscape approach to inform future UNFCCC agreements and the achievement of the proposed Sustainable Development Goals. To this end, the forum is proposed to be organized along four main themes:
1) Investing in Sustainable Landscapes and Livlihoods (Includes discussion of poverty alleviation and building means of implementation (private and public financing, capacity building and empowerment)
2) Landscape Policy and Governance (Includes inclusive landscape governance - tenure, youth, women and gender, rights of communities and farmers, programmes and best practices)
3) Synergies between Adapting to and Mitigating Climate Change and Landscapes (Includes MRV on landscapes)
4) Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition (Includes sustainable food production and consumption, nutritional aspects, wood-fuels and energy efficiency and supporting climate resilient communities)
- The landscapes approach provides a broad framework that can fully integrate agriculture and forests into a sustainable development agenda. It seeks to assess performance against broader development goals such as poverty eradication, green growth, food security and nutrition, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, energy efficient cities and sustainable land use and farm practices.
More information about the forum, registration, the exhibition, background readings can be found here
Read the Focali brief "Forests and trees - essential for food security on a landscape level" here