Technical and Policy Issues Relevant for Implementing a REDD+ Mechanism
Focali hosts a seminar with Dr. Sandra Brown from Winrock International.
What | Seminar |
When |
Mar 29, 2012 03:15 PM
to Mar 29, 2012 04:30 PM |
Where | Konferenscentrum Wallenberg, Gothenburg Sweden |
Contact Name | Maria Ölund |
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Dr. Sandra Brown is a specialist on understanding the role of forests in the global carbon cycle and their present and potential future role in climate change and mitigation. She has a strong international reputation as a leader in this field. Dr. Brown has served as a co-convening lead chapter author on five UNFCCC IPCC reports and she has more than 200 peer reviewed publications. For the work with the IPCC she received a Nobel Prize Diploma when IPCC and Al Gore 2007 were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for their efforts to address climate change.
Time: 29 March 15:00-16:30, mingle, coffee and sandwich starts at 14:45
Venue: “Lyktan” at Konferenscentrum Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20 A
Register: To Maria Ölund, project coordinator for Focali
The seminar will be video-streamed and available after the seminar on the homepage of Centre for Environment and Sustainability at University of Gothengurg and Chalmers. Klick here to see the video-streaming.