Photo: Patricia Barden, Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Putting Agenda 2030 into practice - how the landscape perspective can contribute
This workshop, co-arranged by Focali-SIANI, will facilitate an interactive dialogue about effective ways to implement the Agenda 203 in both policy and practice by applying a landscape perspective. The event, held at SEI, has a particular focus on exchange between Swedish actors working with forest, water, agriculture, natural resources, climate and development.
What | Workshop |
When |
Nov 23, 2016 10:00 AM
to Nov 23, 2016 03:30 PM |
Where | Stockholm Environment Institute, Linnégatan 87D, Stockholm |
Contact Name | Maria Ölund |
Contact Phone | +46 (0)31-786 9222 |
Add event to calendar |
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One year after the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted, actors in different sectors are processing how these new agendas affect their operations and how they best can contribute to their fulfilment.
A challenge in national and global implementation processes is to develop holistic strategies which integrate the 17 SDGs. This workshop will, via national and international case studies, illustrate how the landscape perspective can contribute to an integrated implementation of SDGs in practice.
Workshop program (draft):
• Key note presentations by Ingrid Petersson Director General of Formas and representative of the Swedish Agenda 2030 delegation and Mia Crawford, Deputy Director at Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.
• Panel discussion with key-note speakers, representatives from the organizers and other actors involved in Sweden´s implementation of Agenda 2030, such as Sida.
• Case studies (national and international) to illustrate the possibilities to integrate SDGs in both policy and practice by applying a landscape perspective.
• Interactive session - exchange of participants perspectives, actions and visions for Agenda 2030 implementation.
Besides providing ample time for interactions the workshop aim to identify opportunities for continued dialogue and close with collaboration initiatives where the exchange can be carried on after the end of the event.
Register to the Focali Coordinator: or via the registration form at the main event page here
The full program will soon be available.
Download the event flyer here
Focali - Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network at GMV - Centre for Environment and Sustainability,
SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute,
SIANI - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative,
SIWI - Stockholm International Water Institute,
Skogsstyrelsen – The Swedish Forest Agency,
SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences