Lecture: COP 15 results and reflections
What happended at COP 15 and what will happen on the way to COP 16? Focali researcher Eskil Mattsson is gives his reflections at the GMV lecture, Wednesday the 10th of Februari at 6pm.
What | Lecture |
When |
Feb 10, 2010 06:00 PM
to Feb 10, 2010 07:30 PM |
Where | Ekocentrum, Chalmers Vasaområde, Aschebergsgatan 44, Göteborg, Sweden |
Attendees |
Eskil Mattsson, Gothenburg University |
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The world leaders were gahtered at Copenhagen in December 2009 at the climate negotiations - COP 15. Focali researcher Eskil Mattsson discuss the results from COP 15 and the way forward towards COP 16 in Mexico. The lecture will take place on the the 10th of February at 6pm. The lecture is in Swedish.
Ulf Molau, Växt- och miljövetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet
Eskil Mattsson, Geovetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet
Daniel Johansson, Fysisk resursteori, Chalmers