Photo: CIAT (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Launch of the new Sida-funded program: Agriculture for Food Security 2030
Save the date 26 January for the launch of the new Sida funded programme AgriFoSe, Agriculture for Food Security 2030 ‐ translating Science into policy and development, at SLU Ultuna Campus in Uppsala. Focali member Madelene Ostwald is leading the work with multifunctional landscapes in the programme.
What | Launch event |
When |
Jan 26, 2016 01:30 PM
to Jan 26, 2016 04:00 PM |
Where | "Loftet" at SLU Ultuna Campus in Uppsala |
Contact Name | Madelene Ostwald |
Add event to calendar |
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Read the invitation to the AgriFoSe launch event here or read the agenda below. Registration by Friday 22 January to
In this video Focali member Madelene Ostwald talk about AgriFoSe and her role as leader for the work with multifunctional landscapes in the programme. There will be many opportunities for synergies between this component in the programme and the Focali research network, both based at Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV in Gothenburg. Read more about AgriFoSe below the agenda.
Introductory words at the launch of the Agriculture for Food Security 2030 initiative, Ambassador Lennart Båge, Vice Chair SLU Board and former President of IFAD
Agriculture for Food Security 2030 – launching a Swedish initiative targeting Sustainable Development Goal number 2, Professor Ulf Magnusson, Programme Director AgriFoSe, SLU.
Global Agenda 2030 for sustainable development – from negotiations to implementation, Ambassador Kajsa B Olofsgård, Swedish Chief Negotiator for the UN Agenda 2030, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – overcoming hunger sustainably Ambassador Cecilia Nordin van Gansberghe, former Swedish Permanent Representative to FAO, Swedish Ministry of Enterprises and Innovation
Research for Food Security – an African perspective, Dr. Appolinaire Djikeng,
Director, Biosciences eastern and central Africa – Hub, ILRI, Kenya
Agriculture and Food Security – the Sida perspective, Programme Officer Frida Rodhe, Global
Economy and Environment, Sida and Dr. Kerstin Jonsson-Cissé, Head of Global Economy
and Environment, Sida
Panel Discussion lead by Dr. Carolyn Glynn, Deputy Director, SLU Global
Mingle with refreshments
About AgriFoSe:
The programme AgriFoSe (Agriculture for Food Security Post 2015) – translating science into policy and development has been developed by researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Lund University, Gothenburg University and Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI). It is a 60 million SEK programme funded by Sida over a four-year period.
The programme is directly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 2: "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture". It will be coordinated by SLU Global.
The AgriFoSe programme is divided into four themes were of two will be led by SLU. One that deals with increased productivity in small farm cropping systems, will be led by Docent Håkan Marstorp. The other addresses the livestock in small scale farming for more nutritious diets and will be led by Docent Sofia Boqvist. The two other themes are multifunctional landscapes led from Gothenburg University by Docent and Focali member Madelene Ostwald and social and economic dimensions led from Lund University by the Afrint group.
The work will be conducted in close association with researchers at universities and research institutes in Africa and Asia and it will not just transform and communicate science to its application in society, but it will also provide training in how to do so.
For updates about the program visit the programme website:
Contact or Madelene Ostwald for more information.