Focalimembers Eskil Mattsson & Matilda Palm at Focali network meeting 2013. Photo: Maria Ölund
Final Program Out - Focali Annual Meeting & 10-year Anniversary
Join us the 5-(6th) of November for the first ever Focali annual meeting and our 10-year anniversary. We welcome both Focali members and our partners to attend this oportunity to learn from and network with each other.
What | Annual meeting |
When |
Nov 05, 2019 09:45 AM
to Nov 06, 2019 02:00 PM |
Where | Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg |
Contact Name | Maria Ölund |
Contact Phone | 0766-22 92 22 |
Add event to calendar |
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Day 1: Open for all interested in Focali themes - both members and partners. - for short presentations about members work, interactive discussions with stakeholders and most importantly there will be space to get to know each other better and discuss collaborations! A dinner will be arranged to celebrate our 10-year anniversary!
Day 2: A Focali co-office will be hosted at GMV from around 9 – lunch
with time to develop joint collaborations/applications and future Focali
Register no later than October 28:
Register here for: day 1, 2 and dinner
A participatory program development:
Members and partners have contributed with speed-talks and themes for the world café discussion tables. The submission period is now closed, thank you for your contributions. The speed-talks will be presented in two parallel sessions in the afternoon. All speed-talks will be recorded and shared after the event.
Download final program:
Read more about the event outline, sessions and speakers in the final program here ! See summary of panelists, speed-talks and themes for World Café below:
Panel: The role of science and networks in times of populism and climate crisis
Andrea J. Nightingale, Professor of Geography at the University of Oslo
and Senior Researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Martin Hultman, Associate professor in science-, technology- and
environmental studies at the Department of Technology Management and Economics
at Chalmers University of Technology and research leader of Centre for Studies
of Climate Change Denialism (CEFORCED)
Maria Schultz, Director of Vi-Agroforestry and Chair of Agroforestry
Stephen Woroniecki, Doctoral student at LUCSUS - Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Esse Nilsson, Senior Policy Adviser for Rural Development and Food Security, Sida
Read bios of the panelists in the final program here
Speed-talks for the two PM paralell sessions:
How to save and restore
forests in the Agenda 2030 spirit? |
Anders Malmer, International Coordinator, Swedish Forest Agency
Why does SIWI get involved in resilient landscapes? | Anna Tengberg, PhD, Programme Manager Swedish International Water Institute - SIWI
Landscape transformation and livelihood impacts from tree plantations: Evidence from North India | Harry Fischer, Associate Senior Lecturer, Division of Rural Development, SLU
How are disproportionately-vulnerable groups affected by nature-based solutions to climate change; evidence from Sri Lanka | Stephen Woroniecki, Doctoral student LUCSUS - Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Felling forests from afar: tropical deforestation driven by agricultural expansion and international trade | Florence Pendrill, Ph.D. candidate Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Division of Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
Policy options for EU (and other) consumer countries in reducing tropical deforestation | Martin Persson Associate Professor, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
Understanding the relative impact of our consumption patterns on terrestrial biodiversity | Louisa Durkin, Master's student, Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Center, University of Gothenburg
Institutional innovations & sustainable agricultural supply chains | Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
Financial giants and the Amazon – reflecting on recent actions | Alice Dauriach (via video), PhD candidate, Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.
Good Wood: A new paradigm for restorative & sustainable forest management | Rosa Goodman, Associate Senior Lecturer, Dept. Forest Ecology and Management SLU & SLU Global coordinator for the Forest Faculty
Doing more with less: resource efficiency for sustainable bioenergy production in Indonesia | Fumi Harahap, PhD Candidate, Division of Energy and Climate Studies (ECS), Department of Energy Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
From an idea to a book – the case of success stories on multifunctional land uses in Africa | Madelene Ostwald, Docent, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV & Theme Leader Multifunctional Landscapes AgriFoSe2030
Forests, Climate and Livelihoods – perspectives from upland Myanmar | Laura Kmoch, Ph.D. candidate Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Division of Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
Multifunctional, land-based, production systems for ecosystem restoration | Henrik Haller (via video), Senior lecturer Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering. Mid Sweden University
New Approaches to Tenure Reform in sub-Saharan Africa | Lasse Krantz, Guest-researcher at the Unit of Human Geography, University of Gothenburg
Using trees to restore soil hydraulic properties in tropical African drylands: The five Ws?| Aida Bargués Tobella (via video), Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) & World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Kenya
Tropical montane forest in a warming world – findings from field experiments in Rwanda | Göran Wallin, Senior lecturer, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, GU
Temperature responses of leaf photosynthesis and respiration in tropical montane trees |Eric Mirindi Dusenge, EU Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Drivers of heat-and drought-induced mortality in tropical montane trees | Maria Wittemann PhD Student, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Drained organic soils a global hotspot of greenhouse gas emissions | Åsa Kasimir Researcher Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Evolution of nitrogen cycling in regrowing Amazonian rainforest | Tobias Rütting, Associate Professor - Biogeochemistry Department of Earth Sciences University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Don’t panic. Cooperate! Biodiversity in a time of crisis | Allison Perrigo, PhD Director, Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre GGBC & Project Manager, Antonelli Lab
Actors and Context in Forest Governance for REDD+ with the case from Vietnam | Thao Do Jorgensen (Previously) Governance specialist at UNDP in Vietnam now freelance consult
Blue Green City Lab and Digital Forest | Eskil Mattsson, Project Manager, Swedish Environmental Research Institute - IVL
World Café: Bridging research – policy – practice for informed action
Participants and table hosts will discuss sub-questions (tba.) under each theme below to identify key gaps and challenges as well as what needs to be done to address these and how.
Theme: Avoiding tropical deforestation
Hosts: Martin Persson Chalmers and Maria Rydlund SSNC
Theme: Forest and landscape restoration
Hosts: Anna Tengberg and Malin Gustafsson SIWI
Agroforestry and multifunctional land-use
Hosts: Maria Schultz, Agroforestry Network and Madeleine
Fogde, SIANI
The art of translating science into policy and
Hosts: Madelene Ostwald and Linda Hansson, GMV & AgriFoSe2030
Biodiversity in a time of crisis - don’t panic
Hosts: Ulrika Palme & Allison Perrigo, GGBC
Better governance - How do we effectively divert
from business as usual?
Host: Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Chalmers and Trase-Earth at SEI
How to enable transformative change?
Host: Andrea Nightingale, University of Oslo and SLU
Who can attend?
Day 1 the 5th of November is open to all active within our thematic area from different disciplines and sectors while day 2 the “Focali co-office” the 6th is devoted for members and researchers within the Focali thematic area. 40 (out of 60) seats day 1 will be reserved for members and partners, if the event get fully booked members and partners will be prioritized.
Day 1: Museum of
World Culture, Tramstop Korsvägen
Day 2: Gothenburg
Centre for Sustainable Development Tramstop Kapellplatsen, Aschebergsgatan