Photo: Michael Oko, WRI
Negotiations concluded on methodological issues for REDD+
Susanne von Walter reports from the climate negotiations in Durban.
Last Friday, REDD+ negotiations under SBSTA were concluded. During this past year SBSTA has been concentrating on two out of the 4-5 tasks it has been given (Safeguards, Reference Levels, Monitoring Reporting and Verification and Drivers of deforestation).
This past year (Cancun to Durban) there have been several workshops on Safeguards and Reference levels. Countries have also been asked to provide Submissions to the Secretariat which have been collected in a report.
Against the background of these submissions and workshops, the Co-Chairs edited a text that was used as a basis for negotiations in the SBSTA. This text was the subject of numerous formal and informal meetings. Finally there was agreement on a text. (FCCC/SBSTA/2011/L.25Add 1) It will now be submitted to the COP for a possible decision.
The text is OK. The issues of Reference levels and safeguards have been elaborated. I have heard many people that think that the wordings on safeguards are too weak. In terms of Reference Levels, the EU has not succeeded in merging the to terms Forest Reference Levels and Foret Reference Emissions Levels.
REDD is currently being negotiated under the LCA, primarily with regards to financing. It is of course from ready so we may very well look forward to a long night of negotiations. One key issue is how much should be counted as donations under during phase 1 and phase 2 and even more critical is the wording on market mechanisms in phase 3. EU strongly favours including markets in the text.