Photo credit Wagner T Cassimiro, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Scaling up deforestation-free production and trade with jurisdictions
This book chapter, written by Focali members Javier Godar and Toby Gardner together with other members of the Trase team, outlines steps to facilitate implementation of supply chains free of deforestation. One key challenge is transparency; seeing who trades forest-risk commodities and when and where they do so. Here, Trase could be part of the solution.
Agricultural commodities move along complex supply chains, exposing thousands of public and private institutions worldwide to the risks of unsustainable land-use practices and deforestation. A handful of forest-risk commodities — including palm oil, beef, soy, and pulp and paper — account for more than 70% of all deforestation in tropical forests.
An unprecedented number of companies have made corporate commitments to remove commodity-driven deforestation from their supply chains. There are significant challenges but also new opportunities to facilitate larger-scale implementation of zero-deforestation commitments. One of the challenges is the limited availability and transparency of information on complex supply chains, which constitutes a critical barrier to action. Transparency initiatives such as the Trase tool – led by the Stockholm Environment Institute and The Global Canopy Program – have the potential to change this. This article outlines a three-step process to facilitate the wider implementation of deforestation-free commitments at the jurisdictional level.
The book chapter is written in Zero Deforestation: A commitment to change.
Access the full publication here.
Tags: Deforestation Deforestation drivers Focaliresearcher International Trade Land-use