Photo from SIWI/SWH
New Report: Water for Productive and Multifunctional Landscapes
As part of the SIWI/SWH Cluster Group on Water in the Landscape, Focali-researchers Aida Bargués Tobella and Ulrik Ilstedt are co-authors to new report on water for productive and multifunctional landscapes. The report is based on the outcomes of a series of seminars on different themes surrounding issues on water in the landscape, spanning from practical knowledge to governance challenges.
The SIWI/SWH Cluster Group on Water in the Landscape has examined how hydrology affects the productivity of landscapes, and what hydrological aspects need to be considered when restoring landscapes for sustainable production. In its new report “Water for Productive and Multifunctional Landscapes” the cluster group identifies key aspects of successful landscape management that can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:
- Improved integration of water considerations and understanding of hydrological processes in landscapes, as addressing water management is often a key entry point to restore degraded lands and to enhance landscape resilience for the benefit of local people;
- Continuously support the development of new integrated knowledge of evidence-based management and strengthening of capacity;
- Strengthened multi-level governance arrangements that allow for genuine stakeholder participation in landscape management and decision making;
- Identification and use of best management practices and innovative tools that provide practical on-the-ground solutions for sustainable management and monitoring of water in the landscape;
- Adequate and long-term financing from both the public and private sectors to sustain ecosystem services important for the long-term productivity and sustainability of landscapes.
Policy recommendations from the report and for management of water in the landscape will be identified and discussed at the World Water Week 2018 event on “Working with the flow? Multifunctional landscapes in a changing climate” on Sunday 26 August from 14.00-15.30.
Focali and SIANI have been part of the Cluster group activities and co-arrange the event at World Water Week. Read more about the cluster group here.
Access the report Water for Productive and Multifunctional Landscapes here.