Some of the secretariat members. From the left: Torsten Krause, Maria Ölund, Johan Uddling, Linda Hansson, Laura Kmoch, Allison Perrigo
Who are we?
Focali (Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network) is a Swedish research network focusing on forest/bio-energy, climate change and poverty issues.
Several Swedish universities and institutions are represented, covering several academic disciplines. This creates a multidiciplinary and broad knowledge base within the focus area.
It is of great importance to communicate the knowledge generated and increase the flow of relevant information between scientists, industry, government and civil society in order to set up and reach climate and poverty relevant targets. One of the purposes of Focali is to serve as a link and interface between academia, government authorities, industry and civil society.
The Secretariat coordinates Focali's research and is located at the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV, in Gothenburg. The Secretariat is responsible for project management, internal and external communication and collaboration. Anders Ekbom is the project manager and Maria Ölund is the project coordinator.
Network members:
Both researchers and resource persons working within the Focali thematic area are a part of the network. Read more about the Focali members at their individual profile pages.