The Agroforestry system parklands in Burkina Faso, Photo: Maria Ă–lund
WCA Poster presentation: Human security or resilience? The role of trees for climate change adaptation in the Burkina Faso parklands
The Focali researchers Jenny Friman and Per Knutsson will present a poster at the World Congress of Agroforestry in India 10-14th of February. The poster is based on research findings, from their ongoing research about the role of trees for climate change adaptation in the Burkina Faso parklands.
Poster presentation at WCA today at 16.00-17.00 (Dehli time), the poster and Jenny Friman is at place 199 in the poster exhibition area.
Background and purpose of the study:
The aim of this study is to show how two different framings (Human Security and Resilience Framing) guide assessments of vulnerability and adaptive capacity to very different results. Most previous research on vulnerability framings are based on findings from different cases and/or studies. In contrast, this study is based on one single research project and one single case.Burkina Faso and the village of Bonogo Our case-study, the village of Bonogo, is located in the diverse agroforestry systems referred to as the parklands, in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Bonogo is situated 30 km south of the capital Ouagadougou. The rural population are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable in the world. The parkland trees are often positioned as a decreasing resource, important for adaptation and coping in relation to abrupt changes, such as harvest failures and periods of drought.
To see a small version of the poster click at the image below..
Download the poster here to read the research findings..
Read more about Jenny Friman's research here..
Authors: Jenny Friman
Tags: #forestfood Agriculture Agroforestry Climate Change Conference Focaliresearcher Land-use Landscapes Policy Poverty
Tags: #forestfood Agriculture Agroforestry Climate Change Conference Focaliresearcher Land-use Landscapes Policy Poverty